
Brings Bitcoin to business

Paying with bitcoins

If you own a business you can accept bitcoins from your customers without the need to buy a new device. For the Bitcoin enthusiast: this is possible on-chain as well as via Lightning Network, without any hassle.

Over a thousand entrepreneurs preceded you! Among them, a lot in Arnhem Bitcoin City.

Presentations and training

We believe that Bitcoin will change the world and love to share our knowledge with you!

In understandable words we give lectures and training to schools, universities, varied associations and companies about the possibilities and limitations of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Read more about it here.

Buy bitcoins

Since May 2020, it is no longer possible to buy or sell bitcoins at BitKassa. Read more about the reasons.
Do you want to buy bitcoins or exchange them for Euros? We have a list of bitcoin companies where you can safely buy or sell bitcoins.

1 bitcoin is now € 92039,50

The current exchange rate when paying with bitcoins

BitKassa is mainly known for its payment solutions for companies, but it's also possible to hire our extensive knowledge of all things Blockchain. We regularly provide workshops for companies, universities and government agencies looking for the possibilities and limitations of blockchains.

You can also contact us for interviews or panels. We believe it is important to share our knowledge !!